The image of the fertility wheel without the changes. The goat-fish and the other symbol will be revealed on August 30th.

This is Stephen, he was the first to understand the connection between farming and the symbols on the original zodiac.

This is Stephen, he is the creator of the Fertility Wheel.
the original intent on those specific symbols was for a perpetual farmers’ almanac.
Stephen David Manning has made the discovery of a millennia by accident!
— Stephen David Manning
EMERY, SOUTH DAKOTA, UNITED STATES, August 21, 2023/ — Stephen David Manning has made the discovery of a milenia by accident! He is known as an amateur archaeoastronomer, astronomer, gamer, and philosopher who has lived around farms most of his life.
Ancient wisdom meets up-to-date research as Steve embarks on a quest to decipher the long-lost secrets of the Mesopotamian zodiac. With time, knowledge, and a computer, he has unearthed a treasure trove of wisdom that will revolutionize your perception of the zodiac and now the Fertility Wheel and how it should be used.
Steve believes the original intent on those specific symbols was for a perpetual farmers’ almanac for the people of Fertile Crescent, the birthplace of humanity and the cradle of civilization, and is believed to be where settled farming first emerged. Although this tool was originally designed for this region, when properly understood, it can serve as a guide in many, if not most, other locations.
The information details why every animal must be in its exact position and what each represents will be revealed at 7:00 p.m. on August 30th, 2023, Pacific time, during the rare occurrence of a Super Blue Moon at Steve will share detailed information on how the Fertility Wheel was deciphered and how to use it properly. Interested individuals can access the reveal on at the specified time, along with “fertility wheel” on YouTube.
To ensure clarity and avoid confusion, this newly unveiled system is given a distinct name: the Fertility Wheel. While it shares some similarities with the Zodiac, it carries a unique significance in the agricultural context. It precisely aligns animals with specific months, ensuring accuracy and relevance concerning farming practices. This is not used for horoscopes or any individual person but instead as a perpetual farmers’ almanac. Steve had to change or clarify at least one animal to make it accurate.
For centuries, the zodiac has been associated with astrology and horoscopes, but Steve’s research suggests that it was actually a practical guide and tool used by ancient humans to learn about farming and agriculture. If you thought the zodiac should have a deeper significance in worldwide cultures due to being found in many, if not most, ancient regions – you were right! Steve will show you how important it really was.
According to Steve, you can easily align the symbols during the time of the equinoxes and solstices to reset this clock for any area in the northern hemisphere. This may have allowed ancient people to predict the changing seasons and plan their farming activities accordingly. This knowledge was essential for survival in a time when agriculture was the primary means of sustenance, and it could help again in the future.
Understanding the animals and other symbols reveals an intricate connection between the Fertility Wheel and agricultural activities, lessons lost over time and replaced with horoscopes. It is important to note that this tool is not intended for divination or fortune-telling but serves as a guide for those working in harmony with nature.
The Fertility Wheel’s impact extends beyond the realm of farming, it also helps people understand survival using the symbols on the Fertility Wheel when properly aligned with the solstices and equinoxes. It carries the potential to revitalize ancient wisdom, foster sustainable farming practices, and promote a deeper understanding of our relationship with the natural world. By aligning our activities with the cosmic rhythms embedded within the Fertility Wheel, we can strive for harmony and balance in our endeavors.
Once Steve unlocked the essence of the original zodiac, he ventured into exploring other zodiac systems. He discerned that the Chinese Zodiac shared several animals, albeit in a different sequence. As his research deepened, he unearthed the fact that the Yellow Emperor, known as Huangdi, creator of the Chinese Zodiac, also revolutionized agriculture, leading to abundant harvests, and even devised the lunar calendar. Recognizing these three interconnected aspects, Steve realized they must share the same fundamental principle as the original zodiac because of the agricultural connection.
His excitement grew as he confirmed this linkage through further investigation. He comprehended the true rationale behind the selection of animals in the Chinese Zodiac, which extended beyond fortune-telling, but a tool that utilizes all three of his discoveries.
Steve’s enthusiasm led him to delve into the Vedas and immerse himself in the realm of Hinduism. His revelation was profound: called to the goddess Durga, he noticed the items in her hands harmonized with both his initial agricultural insights into the Fertility Wheel. By rearranging the sequence of these tools, their purpose became understandable, transforming into a guiding mechanism akin to a perpetual farmer’s almanac. This realization brought Steve a sense of contentment and satisfaction that he now wants to share with the world.
This groundbreaking revelation will be accessible to everyone worldwide, regardless of their proximity to farmland or understanding of agriculture. By making the research available online, individuals from all walks of life can verify and validate the findings for themselves. Steve has also created a new form of astrology with different set points than tropical astrology. With Fertility Wheel astrology, the animals are associated with different months that they are associated with than the standard zodiac, which makes sense in nature’s natural rhythms.
With Fertility Wheel astrology, the animals have a specific month and have an important reason to be there. This innovative approach brings together ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding, inviting individuals to embrace a holistic view of the cosmos and its connection to the natural cycles of life.
Stephen invites all to join in this transformative journey. By embracing the Fertility Wheel, we can collectively explore its significance and unlock its potential to shape our understanding of the possible origin of astrology and agricultural practices.
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Article originally published on as Amateur researcher discovers the Original Intent of the Zodiac by accident and renamed it the Fertility Wheel